LEASE - The Leasehold Advisory Service provide free advice on residential leasehold law. They are an independent body, and we only advise leaseholders and park home owners. All of their advisers are legally qualified. LEASE is governed by a board, appointed as individuals by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government.

A Guide to Directors' Duties and Responsibilities - This useful guide from the ICAEW provides an overview of directors' duties and responsibilities, including on internal governance, transactions between a company and its directors or shareholders, and corporate administration. It also covers responsibilities in relation to insolvent or financially challenged companies, as well as penalties for breach of directors' responsibilities.

The Federation of Private Residents’ Associations - The FRPA are a not-for-profit lease advice, support and lobbying organisation for private residential leaseholders, tenants’ and residents’ associations, Residential Management Companies and Flat Management Companies.

Companies House listing for Clewer Court Residents Ltd - Overview, Filing History, People

Companies Act 2006

Newport City Council  656 656

South Wales Fire & Rescue Service - Free 'Safe & Well' visits to your home. This will be carried out by firefighters from your local Fire Station and their Home Safety Team. The visit takes about 30 minutes and they will provide and install free smoke alarms, heat detectors and carbon monoxide alarms where risk is identified. Alarms for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing are also available.

Gas Emergencies Remember, if you smell gas, call them free on 0800 111 999

Flat Living - Information, products and services for flat owners and residents' management companies

Lifeline - Newport City Council works in partnership with Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council to provide the Lifeline Alarm Service. 

The service runs 24 hours a day, every day and is available to residents of Newport who live in their own homes or who rent privately. 

The Lifeline alarm service provides you with:

  • a Lifeline alarm unit
  • a pendant alarm button
  • free installation
  • maintenance and repairs
  • a replacement unit if faulty
  • regular equipment checks
  • 24 hours a day cover via Merthyr’s emergency control centre

Priority Services Register  

Did you know that every gas, water and electricity supplier – the companies you pay your bills to, and your electricity distribution network, has what’s called a Priority Services Register (PSR)? This register helps utility companies to make sure they look after those who need it most.

Who can join the PSR?

Households who have:

someone aged 60 or over living at the property
someone under the age of 5 living with them
someone who is living with a chronic medical condition or is registered disabled
any other specific needs such as sight or hearing impairments

If you would like to have access to additional services from your energy supplier, you simply need to sign up to the Priority Services Register through your current supplier. You can also ask your supplier to forward your details to your network operator if you are dependent on a consistent energy supply for medical reasons.